Thursday, January 22, 2009

Fun Times

This is utterly and completely unimportant, but...


That is quite sad.
But the funny part is=my other thumb bled and is currently throbbing.
And to add insult to injury, the staple was pink.
And my friends were too busy taking pictures of my thumb (as you can see)
Shall follow with a more meaningful post sometime soon.

Wednesday, January 7, 2009

I just blogged...I blogged so far awaaaaay

Okay, so.
New Year's Resolution: blog blog blog
It's an output for stuff

Okay, so:
ASB elections are coming up and all these children are knocking on our doors for a donation to save the children.
'all these children'=candidates
'save the children'=the student body...or at least our grade
'knocking on our doors'=*begging-sorry-what?*creating a bunch of facebook events and groups.
I'm jealous. 
I used to be in student council and I absolutely lovelovelove it, but there's no way I can do it in h.s., especially w/ a full schedule, plus the fact that I don't know that many people. 
Ah, well, whatever.
That wasn't the point of this post.
I believe, w/o knowing some of them personally, some candidates are banking on the election being a popularity contest. Which it should not be. 
Others, like one of my friends, are pretty deserving, but their likelihood of winning is slim, partly because of a botched attempt at school spirit at a spirit assembly [sorry, rser, if you're reading this. i'm still voting for you :D ].
Others, like another friend, have good and inspired ideas, but are EXTREMELY lazy *ahem ahem*
And still yet others, who all or almost all seem competent enough.
But I have a pretty good idea who I'm voting for.

Happy New Year, Christmas, Hannukah, Eid, Festivus, whatever.

Read Time, Newsweek, Rolling Stone, and Reader's Digest
I just had to get that put there