Friday, April 1, 2011

I'm Looking At You, Model UN peeps

In the event that any of you clicked on the link in the signature of my latest [justified] rant...

Go work on your topic synopses and bios! Freshmen are more responsible than you! Yeah, fighting words. You gonna take that? Hmmm, hmm? Don't ignore me!

Seriously, I'm not kidding, do your work.

I know that, on occasion [be nice to me], I can be a little... overly enthusiastic? aggressive? pushy? ab-so-lutely mental about things to do with the club?
I'd like you to know I do this with the purest of intentions. Practicing for world domination, of course. Ordering around freshmen, sophomores, and the occasional junior is definitely the best way to warm up for the day I rule the earth. So is Model UN, for that matter.

I will allow weakness to shine through for a moment [imagine this next bit in a weary, plaintive voice]: I just really, really want this club to succeed. It'd be really amazing if we can build Model UN at Beverly to a decent, competitive program and I would love to know I played a role in that. The club's "executives" have put so much into this and I really have to credit the president-vp team of Donya and Natasha for being so organized and dedicated.

This club is pretty awesome and its members definitely have potential. I actually can't complain too much, because a sizable amount of people do show up every week, respond to my emails, and are genuinely nice, good people. However, would it really kill you to be more on top of things?

As much as I love acting as mini-Zeus and being thought of as a first-class bitch, I'm beginning to lose sight of sweet li'l Mallika who hasn't shown her face since around seventh grade. Or maybe it was fifth. Perhaps you Beverly Hillsians are just terrible influences on me.

*disclaimer: Yeah, if you know me, you'd know with what attitude to approach this post.