The editing could certainly use some work. Twas just an experiment.
Of course I didn't write when I promised. But this time 'twas only two days off the proposed date. Progress, eh?
I have decided I shall blame this "radio" silence on my wonderfully spazzy computer. As with everything, there is a looong story behind this, which I shall attempt to coherently tell...after informing you that my writing style is converging to a hybrid state of conversational-like/way too formal so...I don't know what that point of that is. I'm also going to quit apologizing for writing quality. If you like it, you like it. If you don't...I don't like you! There! It's probably getting annoying for y'all to consistently read stupid apologies, so yup. Now to the story...
It all started on Tuesday, which I spent at home, properly sick for the first time in years. In the spirit of mundanity, let me tell you that I woke up while first period was still in progress, so way too early in my opinion. I watched way too much NBC programming, catching up on the Thursday night comedies I missed because I was studying for the APs. Well only one [hm, maybe a post later?].
Then, I felt like listening to music. But listening to it properly. Which means, good music, whole album, pure, etcetera.
I go through phases in music, but they all centre around genres of rock. Last year was my Queen and U2 phase. You should know that I never abandon an artist, as demonstrated through my attachment to ABBA, courtesy of my seven-year-old self. So I still think that Freddie Mercury and Bono are two of the greatest vocalists ever.
And the Edge is awesome and don't you dare disagree.
But lately, I've been leaning towards psychedelic/prog rock [By progressive rock I mean like the space-y, canvas-y kind]. So I decided to spend my day making YouTube playlists of Pink Floyd albums, using mon ami Wikipedia. Out of the legit albums [i.e., not Greatest Hits], I have only 'Wish You Were Here' and 'Dark Side of the Moon.'
So I made playlists for three albums I didn't have[and I'm going to quit talking about the music because I could go on], and was enjoying myself delaying my term paper very much until a little more than halfway through 'The Wall' my computer decided to rebel. The first sign of trouble came in the form of a new tab in Safari every time I clicked on something. Then when I clicked on the iChat icon in the dock, it opened up its folder in Applications. This happened with every app. So I restarted my computer. Then strange things happened with my login screen which I'm getting bored recounting. It took a goof thirty minutes, but I thought I fixed the problem with my amazing skills [I'm not joking, I've fixed everything else before]. Until it happened again a couple of hours later.
The funny part was that these tech problems forced me to pay attention to my research paper, so it was, in a way, a boon.
Until it refused to work properly for the next few days. Then, my father took matters in to his own hands and now dear old Macky's workin' just dandy. Please cross your fingers. After all, if this becomes uncooperative again, you wouldn't be able to read new posts by yours truly. And that would just be a shame.