Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Smackdown I

First in a series!

If you don't want to be smacked in the face, DON'T...

refer to:

Calcutta as Kolkata
I don't care if Kolkata is Calcutta's "true" name, it was Calcutta for a long time [during the formation of the country!] and frankly, the government of West Bengal has better things to do than change the name of my favourite city.

Bombay as Mumbai
This is just my opinion, feel free to contradict me if you possess an Indian birth certificate [which I don't], though I doubt I'd believe you, but no true Indian refers to Bombay as Mumbai. It's the city's true, pc name, thus you'll see it in international publications, but "Bombay" is probably so ingrained that you don't find most people calling it "Mumbai," unless they're American-born Indian brats who think they know a lot about their culture and have been to India maybe once in their life [the latter condition excludes me :D , I know what you were thinking]or crazy Shiv Sena fanatics. But find me a sane Shiv Sena fanatic. Or find me a sane Shiv Sena member. Once again, I apologize if I'm being extremely ignorant.

More to come.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

"i'm Phred With a Moustache!"

My first or second post was dedicated to the programming wonders of Noggin/the N.
It turns out that the show was not "Phred With a 'Ph'" [where does the comma go?! between the quotes? before all of them?], but "The Phred on Your Head" show, which has a slightly too aggressive connotation for a show about a pickle.

I seem to be making a lot of mistakes as to the names of beloved [in my world, only, apparently]TV shows. I mistook the show "Filmore!" [Toon Disney] as "Cornelius X."
The only reason I can think of that made me think the show was named the latter was because the main character's name [a juvenile delinquent turned angsty school detective partnered with an emo-ish delinquent "genius" (neither of them ever seem to be in class)] is Cornelius Fillmore, and the name of the school is X Middle School.

They were actually very good shows, especially when compared to today's kiddie trash

I know this blog is virtually dead, but in case there are any lurking zombies, what did you watch, O ye who years for brains?

Friday, September 25, 2009


Original date: 7/15/09 1955 hours

So this was an old draft I found, that was supposedly going to be very good, but I do not know what happened. So I'm using this to ease back into blogging. Not that it matters, since I have about four followers. But there is something powerful [?] about putting something out there. But it's also pretty creepy when you get an @reply from some stranger on Twitter [again, pretty stupid]: @modernoddity nice writings.... *BLOG* . Which just reminded me to block the person in question. I have no clue why I linked the account. ugh.

I was going to be all schmancy and write what I titled this in French, but that reminded me of "La Cigale et La Fourmi"- Jean de la Fontaine. We said it so many times that it's firmly and permanently imprinted on my brain. It rolls of the tongue so easily. It's so cruel. I bet you somebody sees it as some metaphor for some dastardly cause. Hmm maybe it is. But I digress.

Photography is awesometastic.

Work is aight, interesting. Ooooh I used SLANG.
[Shorry, I'm tiredhyper <---- that looks like a type of tiger]

I've been wanting to buy "No Line on the Horizon" -U2 ever since it came out. In physical form. You can't beat the real thing. So I skipped down to Borders yesterday [hey! I can touch type fast!] after school [in my Eric Clapton/Steve Winwood concert shirt. 'Twas AWESOME. I knew [almost] every word to "Cocaine" and "Layla." "Presence of the Lord" has made my list as an all-time favorite. But again, I digress]. And they didn't have it. Nor did they have any compilation CDs besides ridiculously expensive NOW albums. The only 80s one was incredibly lame. I was inspired to go get a hair metal compilation CD from watching the top 12 [?] "100 Greatest Songs of the 80s" on VH1 Classic. But nooooo Borders has a terrible selection. No AC/DC! I was about to pick up a Def Leppard Greatest Hits CD, since iTunes does not carry anything besides their last CD, but I dropped it in favour of David Sedaris's "When You're Engulfed in Flames" [now in paperback!]