Thursday, June 26, 2008


I can't dance.
I am taking dance conditioning
i used to think I was flexible
[i was the only one who looked forward to sit & reach]
Now I think....
not so much.
It's pretty fun though
and the peoples are really nice
[Take pity on the non-dancer!]
I like dancing
[when no one is watching]
so hopefully
22 days
i shall get better

and it's fun seeing 684096824908649 fabled people
that you now have seen with your own eyes
to know
that they actually exist.

Tuesday, June 24, 2008



Behold the pearl strands
that adorn the neck
Behold the hairsyle
The meant-to-be  sophisticated curl
Behold the earring
Yes it is visible
Google it 
Behold the similar dress style
The color, the cut, the style.
Yet one is a wax figure of an icon
The other is a live iconic figure
Yet one can carry this look off.
And one cannot.

I really have nothing against Michelle Obama so far.
Yet it seems that she is trying to copy Jackie O's famous chic dressing.
Her husband, after all, is totuted to be the next JFK.

Jackie O brought this style tot he world's attention.
Michelle Obama is trying to subliminally replicate her image.

Yet forty years later she should coin her won style, not try to copy, which ends up looking tacky.

Oh well

Monday, June 23, 2008

While Watching Degrassi

While Watching Degrassi: TNG
Season 1 Episode 3
It's really good show.
I used to watch Phred with a 'Ph'
On The N/Noggin
And see all the ads for Degrassi
I used to think it was the most scandalous show ever
And then I started to watch it.
I was hooked.
Wikipedia,, what not.
Now it's Season 1 Episode 8
I know some people who are obsessed
I haven't seen enough to qualify
The show is just plain good.
Canadian shows rock.

However, Phred with a 'Ph' still owns.


When you've drank a mug of Earl Gray
When it's 1.45 am 
When you're supposed to be asleep
When it's summer vacation [thank god for that]
When you have nothing better to do
What do you do?
Create a blog, of course.
I don't have an insomnia
I'm just a caffeine addict who has a caffeine problem.