Sunday, February 21, 2010

'Live'blogging the BAFTAs [Attempt]

DISCLAIMER: The formatting is seriously messed up, with words broken apart without - for no reason. I apologize.

Red Carpet
: I am just really happy, as they used Kasabian's "Underdog" as soundtrack.

Opening/Monologue: Jonathan Ross is funny. He was very good last year, as well. Unfortunately, I don't know if the audience comprehends his humour, like the expense report dig, as there are quite a bit of Americans there.

Montage: I like the categorization and clipping/editing. "Watchmen" came out only last year?

Duncan Jones is David Bowie's son! But he's probably sick of hearing that. "Moon" looks amazing.

-This 'live'blogging sounds quite juvenile-

Ah, a commercial break. Now, I can explain. I believe that in many respects, the BAFTAs are superior to the Oscars. They're a bit funnier. So, and considering my poseur blogspot profile, I decided that I could definitely 'live'blog this.
I shall publish the post at every commercial break. So keep checking.
I keep adding quotes around 'live,' as the telecast is anything but live, seeing as my watch tells me it's 1:18 in London. Henceforth, the quotes shall disappear. Plus, a LA Times breaking news email alert landed in my inbox hours ago [though I didn't read it. All I know is 'The Hurt Locker' won big].
There was more I was going to say, but I have currently forgot. I hope I don't completely botch this.

"Two people who've spent even less time at the gym than me" -Ross
One emaciated and one tubster walk out. Tubster? Is that even a word? Tubby+Chubster. Well, it's one now.

No really? 'Avatar' won best Special Visual Effects? What an upset!

'Avatar' montage: An American says kilo? They used real horses for the movie!

Supporting Actor: PEOPLE, LAUGH AT THE JOKES! Damn, that's a big theatre. This beard trend is amazing! The acceptance speeches here are much more eloquent/less laundry listed than the Oscars. I really hope that people take advantage of the Thank You Cam that the Oscars are introducing.

Honestly, so far, I do not believe that my blogging has been in any way insightful or interesting. It may also be confusing if you aren't/didn't watch. Or if you're not interested. I Though most blogs in general are not insightful or interesting. But I shall continue. I'd appreciate feedback throughout. I'm just curious to see what the effort produces. So feel free to mark 'Lame' under Reactions. I completely sympathize.

Why is Anil Kapoor here? No offense, man, but you were not the star of 'Slumdog Millionaire.' No offense.

This isn't working. I'm just going to comment on certain
things, not everything.
Supporting Actress: Haha, Matt Dillon! Where are Ms. Linz and Ms. Geletko with a DVD of "The Outsiders." So far, this has been a
Golden Globes repeat.

The formatting has got a bit messed up. Not going to bother to change it now.

Outstanding British Film: The differentiation is interesting. And it also highlights my ignorance and that I shouldn't be doing this. My harping is annoying, right?

'Up in the Air' montage: Awww, Sweeeeeeeet. This movie was good. And depressing-ish. SPOILED.

Original Screenplay: Robert Pattinson looks so strange. He looked so much better in "Harry Potter." I really want to see "The Hurt Locker." Gratuitous Twitter reference: #inanity
Production Design: I should have at least seen "Vanity Fair," since I couldn't finish my annotations. Oh well. Yes, that has nothing to do with the nominees, but apparently with a presenter.Especially in this category, along with the acting ones, you find that you wish certain movies could be re-nominated, or released in a different year, as there is a foregone winner["Avatar"], though many of the others are definitely deserving. A guy fell asleep?! Or was that just a bad shot.

'The Hurt Locker' montage: Dude. I have to see this.

Rising Star Award: Haha, I love the wordplay."Underdog" ain't really the right soundtrack for Kristen Stewart, as she probably wasn't, seeing as this was voted on by the public, and she was in a gigantic film. Her acceptance speech is nice and gracious.

Adapted Screenplay: I like the clip from 'Up in the Air.' Especially the end. They've never seen a male nurse? They've never seen "Meet the Parents?!" What a travesty! [That was a joke.] "Up in the Air!" I remember reading about the battle for the screenwriting credit, so the Globes and Turner's delivery of Reitman's acknowledgments are interesting.

Passings: What are you supposed to say? It is just simply sad.

Animated Film: I haven't seen a single one of these.Unfortunately.

Film Not in the English Language: Haha, I love the "translation."

'Precious' Montage: Woah, the director's changed his hairstyle dramatically since the interview. I don't think I would ever have the guts to see this movie.

Director: Clive Owen! I maintain that "Inside Man" was a fantastic movie. Oh my god, "District 9" was amazing. But I could only sit through half of it. Go Kathryn Bigelow! Haha, I want to know what James Cameron's wife just said. Probably nothing bad, but I'm just curious.

Fellowship: Prince William is a presenter?! Oh, a presenter of a presenter. Cool. Damn, pronouncements by Olivier and Tennessee Williams. That is cool. Dude, Prince William looks like he's about to start laughing aha. I think her speech is lovely.

Actor: The laptop is now running on reserve power, eeps. But it says 29 min left. On verra. Gollum in drag makeup? Yo, Colin Firth.

Actress: Sweet ponytail[?], Mickey Rooney. Haha, teleprompter love. Cool, Carey Mulligan. I wanna see the movie.

Film: Noooo, no more looks at the nominee. Ey, Dustin Hoffman! So, I was watching "Meet the Fockers" the other day, and I forgot how much I loved the movie. Yes, that is a sad reference. Moving on. Yo, 'The Hurt Locker." Cool. I've said that a lot tonight. Yo, cool.

It's over? Already?

Well, thanks for reading this if you are. I'm sorry this wasn't clever, unlike actual critics'. I will try to be better in the future. No, don't scream "noooo" silently, it will be better!

Disclaimer: I'm honestly not trying to offend or make fun of anyone. If I have made an observation about anyone or anything, it doesn't mean I don't like them.

Monday, February 1, 2010


This is a really short, banal post. Not quite the way to start blogging after a three month absence. Miss me? Yeah, right.

Basically, I have decided that this month shall be a vegetarian month. No, I didn't pick February because it's the shortest month, but rather because I remembered I was supposed to do it in January halfway through a steak. So I'll probably compensate by extending it through- what's the month after this?- March [?]

I've mandated that no meat can be cooked in this house, since we all eat the same food, much to the chagrin of my father. However, I'll allow meat to be cooked if it's a separate dish. Kind of bossy and not my place, for someone who doesn't cook. Thanks, mom!

As for my decision to do this? I quite honestly don't know. As a younger child, I labelled myself a carnivore and shuddered in horror at the thought of vegetarianism. I liked my vegetables, but I mean, seriously? No bacon? No KFC? No bloody steak? Never mind the fact that I could count the times I've had good ol' Kentucky Fried Chicken on one, maybe one and a half, hands, but still! One never likes not having the option to do something. It's like that whole mentality of not caring about something until it's taken away.

Honestly, though, I really really love vegetables. I'll eat anything from any food group, unless it has bell peppers <---nemesis.
Veggies are inherently delicious. And good for you. So it's really no sacrifice.

Yeah, I'll miss my tempura shrimp, frozen pizza, Panda Express/other Chinese food involving chicken, prosciutto [snob, much? but spelled it right on my first try!], chicken and rice, Jack in the Box tacos [2 for 99 cents!], chili, etc. My, that doesn't sound very healthy. And it's quite a long list. However, it's not like I have meat every day.

Anyway, to close this post about something you probably don't care about, this should be interesting. I'm pretty sure I can totally handle this.

I just realized that this may seem slightly selfish, as I'm not doing this for "humane" reasons, but oh well. I love animals, but that doesn't mean I shan't eat meat. And I hate cows. Ask me about it sometime.

Meat=protein. Yes, vegetarians can use supplements, but did you know... the Dalai Lama was ordered by his doctor to quit being a vegetarian because he developed jaundice due to a lack of protein in his diet. I read this 6 years ago in a Reader's Digest, so forgive me if my memory's not crystal.

And I'm still eating eggs. Ha.