Thursday, February 17, 2011

The Chains of Change

The title of this post sounds like a nicely pretentious novel or what not. It actually has little relevance to this post, except for the last word.
oooh, I smell cookies!

Anyway, back to the topic. It's come to my attention that a lot of my posts are viewed as forced and slightly pretentious, despite my professing of hate for pretensions. Like with the "'tis" and "'twas" and what not.

And my desperate pleas for comments [coupled with excessive self-deprecation] is said to be pathetic. And I guess I agree. Often, it's meant to be sarcastic or whatever, but it gets old. I kind of don't want to read old posts, because they make me cringe now.

So, from now on, if I need to advertise this blog, I'll post a link. And c'est tout. I won't beg in the actual post itself. Do what you want. Life's good. Yeah.

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Comment Harlot Doesn't Quite Have the Same Ring to it

In my defense [defence!], I, the Master of Advertising, did this quite late last night, and I did regret it in the morning. I just chuckled. However, I have decided that I need no defense [defence!] and will now proudly keep it on, in a display of defiance!

Until the tape wears out.

Monday, February 14, 2011

SHOCKER [alt. titled "Shut Up"]

TWO POSTS. ONE DAY. This must be a special day, indeed.

Which brings me to the topic of this post. There's a lot I could say about this topic, but I want to sleep. So I'll make it short.

Today is, if you look at the timestamp, February 14. In the Roman Catholic Church, this is the feast day of St. Valentine. It also falls smack dab in the middle of Lupercalia.

Yes, I do not let things go.

Today, I had the epiphany that "Singles Awareness Day" can be acronymized into "SAD."
[This epiphany factors into my Eleven Embarrassments of February 14, 2011]

There are usually three schools of thought regarding this holiday among the curious species Student highschoolis -erm, lost train of thought- aha!:
  • I don't really give a hockey puck. Go Canucks.
  • Looooove [Blogger is being a grinch and not letting me form the heart emoticon with excessive '3's. Use your imagination]. Members of this subspecies usually have what anthropologists [Student highschoolis is considered to be human, much to the surprise of Parent Ofteenagera] term a "boyfriend" or "girlfriend" or the politically-correct "significant other."
My ire is addressed to the last group. Personally, I don't know where I fall. I guess the first.

But what annoys me about the third group is their persistent cynicism. To be blunt, many of these people are kind of bitter. Or pretentious. Or both. And if you fall in the third group, and you're neither of the above, sorry, I guess. But it's annoying. Just let things be. Yeah, candy makes and greeting card companies make a mint of the holiday. Yeah, love should always be present in a relationship. But does the celebration of Valentine's Day personally harm you [please don't lecture me on the fallacy of this argument. You get what I'm saying]? It's kind of sweet. Call me crazy, but there's a special kind of feeling in the air during holidays, for me. Holidays like this one disturb the tedium, lend themselves to talk and special games/activities/what not. And why begrudge the second group of their happiness for no good reason? Sure, sweet gestures may mean more on a random day, as opposed to a dictated one, but so what? Let them deal with it.

I'd like to make clear that I think I have no personal bias. In fact, from a character/history profile, you may have pegged me in the third group. But I'll have you know that I'm actually an optimistic sucker for adorableness [HONESTLY, COUNT THE NUMBER OF 'adorable's IN THE LAST POST AND SEE WHAT I MEAN].

I'm not sure if I clearly made my point in that rambling paragraph. Tell me your thoughts in the comments. I'm desperate! Not unlike some members of the third group, secretly. Whoops. I promised I'd be nice. Scotchmallows and roses, people. Or Bordeaux. Oooh, marzipan.


...are what I uttered when I remembered my vow to post today.

Quickly, then.

My level of excitement today in anticipation of the Jeopardy IBM Challenge verged on the frightening. It was worth it. Alex Trebek is amazing. I want to give Watson a hug, though it may be difficult to get arms around those racks [NO PUN INTENDED. I'm serious.]. But I kinda wanted to punch him in his not-quite-face at certain moments, like during his hot streak. But then his repetition of the incorrect answer of Ken Jennings [still not too clear about possessive apostrophes] was très adorable [French accent required]. I'm on Team Rutter, though. *ahemahemmoustacheahem*


My only complaint was that there seemed to be a dearth of questions [or should we say, answers?] covered today. But they did explain that the Challenge consisted of two games encompassing three days, in order to give more background. So tomorrow shall probably be better on the game front.

It's impossible not to give credit to Alex Trebek, though. He remained [or at least seemed to remain] completely unfazed by the absurdity of Watson-the-contestant. However, he was adorable in his terseness towards Watson [mirroring my feelings]. Why did he shave his moustache?!


Hey, that wasn't too bad. This post didn't take too long. However, I feel it's rather different from my usual content/style. Perhaps that is a good thing.

I'd really like to do one of those multiple-day blogging challenges. You know, like Day 1:Favourite bands, Day 2:Favourite class, Day 3:5 life goals, etc. It'd be a good way to force myself to blog everyday. I know they're usually geared more toward tumblrs [it kills me to omit the 'e'], but they can always be adapted. SO, if anyone has any suggestions for a good challenge OR if anyone would like to devise one for me, it'd be much appreciated. Just inch youor purty little self [totally not creepy] down and COMMENT.

SPEAKING OF COMMENTS- aha! You thought I'd let you off the hook, eh?- I noticed a nice influx of traffic for the last post, even without the benefits of Facebook broadcasting. A nice chunk was directed from the Weekly Squire. I do understand that there was not much commentable about the last post, but nonetheless, there are pwetty little reaction buttons just begging for some attention. Mhm.

Oh, and you're not allowed to not comment on this post.

Sunday, February 13, 2011

Get Insquired

The Weekly Squire shall be "Keeping P.C. to a Minimum" every Sunday at noon. Follow for updates. There's apparently a Facebook fan page, too.

I wouldn't know for sure, though, because I've temporarily deactivated my lovely timesucker. You all should be glad, for now you don't have to deal with my pleading posts that implore you for comments.

Why am I shamelessly broadcasting yet another site? What investment do I have, you ask? Go to the "Staff" page. Yeah. That girl who looks like a bank robber? Hi. Glorified slave, over here.

Some of you might have been directed here from that staff bio! Greetings, then. Fret not, I do update this blog! Here's proof. Also, be a doll and follow me on Twitter. I don't bite. Just, you know, scratch.

I'd also like to point out that due to my being difficult, I did not write that staff bio. So I can't take credit for its amazingness.

So, please leave your comments and likes on the various awesometastic articles. Plus, the This Week in History is just yearning for some lovin'. Considering it's Lupercalia and all, you know.

Those of you with troubles. Please, let us help. Ask Frank, and he shall deliver frankly. Valentine's Day is coming up, after all.

And don't think this gets you off the hook with commenting on my own blog. WHICH SHALL BE UPDATED TOMORROW. I PROMISE.

I'll leave you with a critique on my writing:

"Even like your editorial– I'm not saying they're bad–but they're very frenetic. It's like you're writing on speed."
-My mother.