Friday, September 25, 2009


Original date: 7/15/09 1955 hours

So this was an old draft I found, that was supposedly going to be very good, but I do not know what happened. So I'm using this to ease back into blogging. Not that it matters, since I have about four followers. But there is something powerful [?] about putting something out there. But it's also pretty creepy when you get an @reply from some stranger on Twitter [again, pretty stupid]: @modernoddity nice writings.... *BLOG* . Which just reminded me to block the person in question. I have no clue why I linked the account. ugh.

I was going to be all schmancy and write what I titled this in French, but that reminded me of "La Cigale et La Fourmi"- Jean de la Fontaine. We said it so many times that it's firmly and permanently imprinted on my brain. It rolls of the tongue so easily. It's so cruel. I bet you somebody sees it as some metaphor for some dastardly cause. Hmm maybe it is. But I digress.

Photography is awesometastic.

Work is aight, interesting. Ooooh I used SLANG.
[Shorry, I'm tiredhyper <---- that looks like a type of tiger]

I've been wanting to buy "No Line on the Horizon" -U2 ever since it came out. In physical form. You can't beat the real thing. So I skipped down to Borders yesterday [hey! I can touch type fast!] after school [in my Eric Clapton/Steve Winwood concert shirt. 'Twas AWESOME. I knew [almost] every word to "Cocaine" and "Layla." "Presence of the Lord" has made my list as an all-time favorite. But again, I digress]. And they didn't have it. Nor did they have any compilation CDs besides ridiculously expensive NOW albums. The only 80s one was incredibly lame. I was inspired to go get a hair metal compilation CD from watching the top 12 [?] "100 Greatest Songs of the 80s" on VH1 Classic. But nooooo Borders has a terrible selection. No AC/DC! I was about to pick up a Def Leppard Greatest Hits CD, since iTunes does not carry anything besides their last CD, but I dropped it in favour of David Sedaris's "When You're Engulfed in Flames" [now in paperback!]

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