Tuesday, October 6, 2009

I Have Way Too Much Time on My Hands

So I noticed everybody had these "Reactions" below their posts. I have FIVE. But you have to scroll down or something.

They should make a horror movie called "The Vapours" set in a 13th century English Village, where a undetermined creature named Chanticleer is stalked by a corn kernel. He actually heeds his wife, the saucy with a sharp nose [Dashboard Dictionary ftw for precise definitions] Pert-a-Lot [yes, I know what 'pert' means without looking it up]'s warnings, but unbeknownst to him, she is carrying on an affair with a foxy fox, who sires her son...the corn kernel!

See title of this post.


Jim said...

I wonder where this is from...

Priya Tuli said...

Yep, this is definitely a more-than-immediate-family-trait situation. Reminiscent of conversations with Jiti and Viru Dadu and your Dad...
you do realize you're doomed, right?! :-)